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Digital transformation - The new buzzword in Pharma industry!

The pharmaceutical industry is experiencing a delicate and decisive moment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On the one hand, the sector is under great stress, but on the other, it is facing unprecedented opportunities. The vast majority of these new opportunities are related to digital transformation in some way.

To increase the quality and reduce the “time- to- market”, pharma industry is now invested heavily in Biotechnology, Softwar, Big Data, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and simulation solutions.

Both on the patient side and among service providers, the acceptance of digital products and services has increased significantly. According to a study by an American market research institute, global sales of mHealth solutions alone increased by more than 10 billion dollars in 2020. The turnover from artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector was already 4.9 billion dollars in 2020.[1]

According to Industrywired[2], The top technology trends shaping the pharma Industry in 2021 are:

1) AI Pioneering Revolutionary Changes: AI and machine learning are impacting the healthcare industry with their exceptional data analytics and predictive analytics capabilities

2) ‘Around the Pill’ Digital medicine: This concept aims to change the experience around the medicines and enhance it by offering a digital package.

3) Cloud for Operational Efficiency: Cloud is the ideal solution for optimizing the resources to analyze and store abundant data that pharma industry receives from different network and devices.

4) Precision medicine: Drugs react differently in different patients and precision medicine addresses this by providing personalized treatments.

5) The evolving block chain trend: Blockchain is software that provides a digital ledger system for records and log transactions, by grouping them into chronologically-ordered blocks. These blocks are linked and secured using the latest cryptography technology. It has significantly enhanced the transparency and traceability of data in pharmaceutical industry.

For more information on these cutting edge technology visit:

1)Reufsteck J, Hallritt T. Digital trends for the pharmaceutical industry 2021[Internet]. [cited 2021June28].

Available from:

2) Meenu EG. Top Technology Trends Shaping the Pharma Industry in 2021[Internet].[cited 2021June27].

Available from:


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